
        摘要: 1、政策需要,國家衛生健康委員會發布《醫院智慧服務分級評估標準體系(試行)》,將醫院智慧服務分成0級至5級。隨著城鄉居民醫療保健消費
        1、政策需要,國家衛生健康委員會發布《醫院智慧服務分級評估標準體系(試行)》,將醫院“智慧服務”分成0級至5級。隨著城鄉居民醫療保健消費支出的增加,人們對更高品質的醫療服務有 了更多的需求,也就對面向患者的“智慧服務”提出了呼吁。 “智慧患者”功能模塊覆蓋患者診前、診 中、診后各環節。
        1. According to policy requirements, the National Health Commission has released the "Grading and Evaluation Standard System for Hospital Smart Services (Trial)", which divides hospital "smart services" into levels 0 to 5. With the increase in healthcare consumption expenses for urban and rural residents, there is a greater demand for higher quality medical services, which has led to a call for "smart services" for patients. The "Smart Patient" function module covers various stages of patient diagnosis, including pre diagnosis, during diagnosis, and post diagnosis.
        2. As required by the policy, medical institutions across the country are required to practice the new development concept, improve the comfort, intelligence and digital level of medical services as a whole, and promote the formation of a more scientific process, more continuous model, more efficient service, more comfortable environment, and more considerate Chinese path to modernization medical service model.
        3. Improve work efficiency, screen follow-up patients through the system, reduce meaningless follow-up work by follow-up personnel, reduce the number of follow-up personnel, and reduce the labor cost of follow-up work;
        4. Improving the hospital follow-up rate and screening important follow-up patients through the system can provide a higher hospital follow-up rate.
        5. Improve patient satisfaction and greatly alleviate doctor-patient disputes; Increase the evaluation channels for patients in the hospital, so that the hospital can indeed identify and solve problems;
        6. Provide strong information support for the demonstration project of high-quality nursing services, the Three Good and One Satisfaction Activity, and the hospital level evaluation; Maintaining key patients and increasing hospital visit rates;
        7. To increase hospital revenue and economic value, intelligent follow-up is ultimately a service platform that complements serious medical care. It can not only maintain key patients through follow-up, but also increase the hospital's patient visit rate through follow-up and re examination, thereby improving the hospital's income level and generating long-term economic value for the hospital
        8. To enhance research and chronic disease management capabilities, we can use the specialized follow-up module of the Kangce follow-up system to intervene in diseases such as stroke, VTE, coronary heart disease, and set up intervention plans and specialized disease questionnaires. The Kangce follow-up system includes up to 500 disease questionnaire templates that can be directly referenced. Chronic disease specialized follow-up not only improves case tracking and batch research capabilities, At the same time, it has greatly improved the level of clinical research and medical management services in hospitals.